
Case Management

The emotional, psychological, and physical effects of addiction and mental health conditions often cause significant problems in the lives of those experiencing them, as well as the lives of their loved ones. These problems can potentially affect every aspect of life and the core of how an individual views their world and relationships. 

Struggling with an addiction or mental health condition can feel overwhelming, and even the most basic functions can feel unmanageable. It is often a challenge for individuals to identify the appropriate clinical direction for their specific situation, especially when they have to navigate insurance, finances, and treatment options all on their own. 

Camden Case Management can help. Our team collaborates with individuals at various stages of their healing process, whether they are just beginning a mental health or addiction treatment search or are further along in their healing journey and need a partner to help navigate them through the process successfully. 

Camden Case Management does not perform clinical services, but rather works with each client to coordinate the necessary steps and recommendations toward health and wellness.

Case Management Services

The case management services offered by Camden Case Management varies depending on the needs of the client and where they are in their healing journey. Our team offers support both prior to treatment and on an ongoing basis.

Pre-Care Case Management

Our case managers consult with potential clients to help determine appropriate clinical treatment referrals and recommendations. As part of the process, we conduct or coordinate appropriate assessments to develop a set of referrals that support the client’s clinical needs. Services can be added or decreased in order to provide more or less hands-on support to navigate the process.

Continuing Care Case Management

Our case managers provide ongoing care to clients to support their mental health and addiction treatment needs. We coordinate and communicate with clinical and non-clinical providers and family members, serving as  the hub of the client’s clinical and wellness process. 

Case management services include: 

  • Assessment of a client’s needs to determine proper treatment placement, whether residential, day treatment, or outpatient treatment
  • Help navigating the ideal treatment placement  
  • Help accessing insurance for treatment to determine the benefit and covered in-network costs, and identify associated costs for certain treatment centers
  • Coordinate pre-treatment clinical care with the treatment provider
  • Ensure client’s participate in scheduled intake appointments and follow along until landing in treatment 
  • Transportation to a treatment facility, if needed
  • Coordinating care with outpatient providers following discharge from a treatment facility 

Case managers work closely with our mentors and companions to provide comprehensive support to clients.

Benefits of Case Management

Behavioral health case management services have been shown to have many benefits, including:

  • Helping individuals identify the most ideal treatment resources and guidance in a cost-effective manner
  • Providing a support structure for individual’s to meet their daily and long-term personal goals
  • Assisting with daily concerns, complications, and/or triggers as an adjunct support system to an individual’s clinical team
  • Efficiently managing clinical teams to coordinate care

Through ongoing case management with a supportive team, clients can learn to function well, reintegrate, and thrive in their daily lives.

To find out more about case management services at Camden Case Management, contact us by phone or online today.